Western Heights, 2nd Floor, Karuna Road, Westlands

Mon-Sat, 8.00-18.00. Sunday CLOSED


Risk Advisory Services
Risk Advisory Services

Businesses face many risks including threats to their operations, reputation, assets, personnel and clients. These risks, if ignored, could hinder the businesses revenue, growth and overall success. Therefore, identifying, evaluating, and minimizing risks peculiar to your business is essential.

Risk assessment is an important first step towards identifying threats and vulnerabilities that may affect your business, locally or when venturing into new markets and regions. The assessment evaluates the quantitative or qualitative value of political, economic, social and business risks of doing business in a particular area within the country.

An in-depth risk assessment may include:

  • Regulatory Risks – compliance with the rules and regulations relevant to your business;
  • Tax Compliance Risks – ensuring compliance with various transactional and operational tax obligations;
  • Political Risks – election cycles and trends that may affect business operations;
  • Crime Risks – establishing area specific crime trends and identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities that could expose your business to crime risks

A&S risk advisory services combine in-depth industry experience, a collaborative, risk-based approach and flexible options to safeguard your business operations, reputation, assets, personnel and clients.

Write to us
Head Office 

Andrew & Steve Advocates
Advocates, Commissioners for Oaths and Notaries Public

Western Heights, 2nd Floor,
Karuna Road, Westlands
P.O. Box 52 - 00606,Sarit Centre, 

Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: +254 707 324 113 / 202 324 113
Email: as@asadvocates.co.ke



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